Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Study
this thesis I have examined the argument in support of democratizing
communication through participatory media networks. I have also identified the Independent Media
Centers as an appropriate operational example of this type of network and have
attempted to identify its major successes and as well as illuminate some of its
major challenges. This has admittedly
been an incomplete presentation as there are many other areas concerning the IMCs specifically and participatory media networks in
general that could be explored. For
example, much more study is needed on the various models of organization within
the Indymedia network. Research into the group dynamics within IMC
collectives would also be useful as would studies on Indymedia
audiences—and audiences of participatory media in general. Another useful subject worth exploring is Indymedia’s impact in areas such as Latin America, Asia,
and Africa where access to digital communication is much lower than in North
America and Europe. Having said all of
this, I think it is still possible to make some conclusions based on the issues
I have explored.
What Indymedia has
accomplished as a low budget, grassroots media network is quite amazing. By being decentralized, participatory, light
on their feet, and well versed in using new technology, IMC volunteers have
kept millions of activists informed about the growing global justice movement
while also giving them a platform to become media producers themselves. This empowering structure has helped bring
new people to the Indymedia movement and the broader
struggle for social justice. Who could
say the same about traditional alternative media institutions that provide
critical reporting but typically lack an empowering internal structure and tend
to reproduce the mass media model of point-to-mass dissemination? Indymedia’s
experiments with administrative transparency, consensus decision-making, and
collective production may also help convince others that mainstream capitalist
structures and institutions need not be copied by progressives. Media activist Michael Albert hopes the
success of Indymedia and other anti-capitalist
projects will nudge others in progressive media to consider taking a more networked
approach and encourage them to experiment with self-management systems using
non-hierarchical administrative structures (“What Makes…”). If this were to happen, we might see a more
Zapatista-like convergence of democratic communication with democratic politics
and culture in the progressive community.
such change is not likely to happen quickly.
Power is still heavily tilted toward centralized, hierarchical
institutions, and progressive projects are as susceptible as any to being
organized according to the established structural patterns of the greater
society. Thus it is extremely difficult,
as IMC co-founder Jeff Perlstein acknowledges, for Indymedia volunteers to swim against powerful social
currents when attempting to resolve their own struggles much less spread their
ideas outward to other movements. “We’re
faced with the challenge,” he writes, “of creating spaces that don’t mirror the
existing systemic oppressions and hierarchies.
But we’re of this very system and can manifest these internalized
dominations despite the very best intentions.”
One of the keys to avoiding such a fate, according to Perlstein, is “to continually examine how we’re reproducing
inequitable power relationships and seek leadership from underrepresented
people on what can be done to foster a more just framework” (“The IMC
the conjoined problems of “structurelessness” and
internal communication are critical if there is to be any hope of moving Indymedia closer to Perlstein’s
vision. Though no particular group
within Indymedia seems to favor centralization, there
is a dispute about how loosely or informally the network should be
structured—how much decentralization is too much? If organizers can establish some sort of
formal framework that balances the need to fairly and efficiently decide global
issues with the need to preserve a large degree of local autonomy, the IMC
movement might achieve the sort of balance that has seemed virtually
unattainable for other social movements.
This naturally requires a communication system that facilitates an
efficient as well as respectful dialogue in which volunteers listen as much as,
if not more than, they speak. Projects
that consider internal communication and decision-making as two halves of a
single struggle within Indymedia seem to be well
worth developing.
addition to these social challenges, Indymedia can
continue experimenting with communication technologies that facilitate
self-representation, participatory dialogue, and, most importantly, are
accessible to local constituencies. By
building an interactive, grassroots communications infrastructure and a
vibrant, diverse social network, Indymedia can make
huge strides towards becoming a long-term media resource that connects local
communities and movements for progressive social change to the broader global
justice movement.
the strategy to abandon the mass media in favor of participatory media networks
is not likely to succeed unless it is one part of a larger movement for communicative
democracy. Martin, a strong proponent of
the participatory model, concludes that putting it in place is a long-term
project. “The mass media will be around
for quite some time,” he writes, “Therefore, it is necessary to have a strategy
to challenge them, from inside and outside, as well as to promote alternatives”
(“Beyond Mass Media”). In this light,
the IMC movement can be viewed as one component of the nascent communicative
democracy movement, which also includes: other independent community-based
media outlets; groups that monitor mainstream media and expose bias and
distortion; librarians and media literacy educators; telecommunication policy
reformers; union members concerned about the failure of mass media to address
issues of the working poor; and journalists within the mass media who are
committed to diversity and public service.
The role of Indymedia, then, is critical if
the broader project is to become better organized and capable of advancing
several coordinated strategies. Without
sustainable, convention-defying alternatives that challenge mass media
hegemony, media activists at other points in the struggle might forever find
themselves in a reactive position with very little hope of winning short-term
reforms and planting the seeds for further experiments in participatory media.